Monday, September 30, 2019

Capitalism Europe

Businessmen transformed economic activities by learning to take advantage of market conditions by alluding efficient networks of transportation and communication and by creating a system of regulating the price of a product based on supply and demand. 4. The institutions that supported early capitalism were banks and joint-stock companies such as the English East India Company and their Dutch counterpart. 5. The Dutch and English supported the growth of capitalism because the English East India Company and their Dutch counterpart were two large trading companies that spread the ideas of capitalism on a larger scale than ever before. . The Joint-stock companies set p by the ideas of capitalism and the English/Dutch would be authorized to conquer, explore, and colonize distant lands in search of commercial opportunities. Therefore, early capitalism developed in the context of Imperialism, as European peoples established fortified trading posts in Asia and colonial regimes in both South east Asia and the Americas. Imperial expansion was important to the spread of capitalism, since it enabled European merchants to get natural resources that would be distributed. 7.Crafts and guilds had fixed prices and wages and they regulated standards of quality. They did not seek to realize profits, therefore discouraging competition and resisted technological innovation. 8. The putting out system was system in which capitalist entrepreneurs delivered unfinished materials to rural households where the artisans would finish a part of the product in their homes (similar to an assembly line) and pass it on until the product was finished and then it was giving to the entrepreneurs, and then the artisans were paid for their labor. 9.The advantages of the putting out system were that because of the plethora of rural labor, entrepreneurs spent relatively title on wages and profited greatly. 10. The putting out system introduced large sums of money to the countryside which brought materi al benefits and disrupted the long-established patterns of rural life. The standard of rural life rose dramatically; households acquired more goods and rural people wore nicer clothes, ate better food, and drank better wine. Individuals had the opportunity to become wealth and stop relying on neighbors and family. Young adults and women began to earn their own incomes. 11.In Eastern Europe lacked cities so there was no alternative to working in the countryside, o landlords took advantage on this situation by forcing peasants to work under extremely harsh conditions whereas in Western Europe there were better working conditions and more cities. Western Europe was far better in comparison to Eastern Europe in the area of labor. 12. Capitalism posed moral challenges. Medieval theologians believed that profit-making was morally dangerous, since profiteers looked to their own advantage rather than the welfare of the larger community. The Church considered interest an unearned and immoral profit. 13.Adam Smith's response was that society loud prosper when individuals pursued their own economic interests. 14. Although Capitalism may not have necessarily caused changes in family life, it encouraged developments that helped to define the nature and role of the family. Capitalism favored the nuclear family; it offered opportunities doe independent families to increase their wealth. As these families became more important economically, their importance socially and emotionally increased. Love became more important in marriage (not simply strengthening alliances) and parents and their children became more important to family life.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Can Appointments Redefine Success?

It is difficult today to manage a handful of business cards. The great way to deliver business values and to increase in the customer loyalty is one to one appointments. There is no particular formula or not any kind of competition for setting appointments. Personal or face to face appointments can redefine success as the discussion is not done on the phone and does not involve any confusion. Organizations today are emphasizing on the personal or face to face meetings.This oldies the customer relations with the company and has great potential in closing the final deals. Major decisions, strategies and consulting is possible with a personal appointment. These are small things that can play a vital role in the success of the company. Below are benefits of appointments and face-to face meetings- Develop a personal relationship. Definitely, you can create relationships with a phone call, but it is more effective with a personal meeting. Impressive presentation will surely help develop a good relationship.Once you succeed in developing a relationship, you are more likely to make a sale. Easier to present your material- Once the appointment is set, you are sure that there would be confusion as you can present your material In person than it is over the phone. Further, In a face-to face meeting, you can get the prospect's undivided attention. Handing the Information- In today's technological era, it is very easy to email Information and many of us Ignore the Importance of handing somebody a hard copy. Deal In person and surely, you will get the success.Surely, setting an appointment can help redefine your success. You need to be keen on setting an appointment. Some simple tips can work wonders and can add to the success graph of the company. If you want to generate BIB appointments for the company's benefit, then keep on Improving the methods and the tools you are using to set appointments. Share what Is going on In your mind. Talk to people and discuss the ideas abou t the business leads and how to set appointments for further lead generation. If you have something out of the box, share It with others.Be yourself ND believe In your Ideas. If you are willing to take the business to a new level, hire people who can take the pressure and capacity. They can work hard to make your dream true. Working with people having lesser capableness will stop the growth and you will be out of the competition. Show confidence In your team and they will feel the need to prove their capableness and trust to you. They will succeed If they are working as per their rules and comfort. They should know that you have faith In them. Identify the weak points In your BIB appointment setting team.Check the telemarketing efforts and understand the reason of the failure. After Identifying the problems In the team, It Is easy to come up with a solution. After the problem Is solved, the team along with the business moves easier and faster. You should be able to strike the balanc e of creatively and business. Creative Ideas can give you some new ways to Implement business Ideas. People who can Implement these Ideas In reality are also Important for a business team. Face to face appointments will surely help you In success by evolving confusions.Develop good relationships and success will be simply yours. By b2bmarketingstrategies set, you are sure that there would be confusion as you can present your material in person than it is over the phone. Further, in a face-to face meeting, you can get the era, it is very easy to email information and many of us ignore the importance of handing somebody a hard copy. Deal in person and surely, you will get the success. Company's benefit, then keep on improving the methods and the tools you are using to set appointments. Share what is going on in your mind.Talk to people and discuss generation. If you have something out of the box, share it with others. Be yourself and believe in your ideas. If you are willing to take t he business to a new level, hire dream true. Working with people having lesser capabilities will stop the growth and you will be out of the competition. Show confidence in your team and they will feel the need to prove their capabilities and trust to you. They will succeed if they are working as per their rules and comfort. They should know that you have faith in them.Identify the weak points in your BIB appointment setting team. Check the telemarketing efforts and understand the reason of the failure. After identifying the problems in the team, it is easy to come up with a solution. After the problem is to strike the balance of creativity and business. Creative ideas can give you some new ways to implement business ideas. People who can implement these ideas in reality are also important for a business team. Face to face appointments will surely help you in success by avoiding confusions. Develop good relationships and success will

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A StreetCar Named Desire

Hence, blacks mingle with whites, and members of different ethnic groups play poker and bowl together. Stanley, the son of Polish immigrants, represents the changing face of America. Williamss romanticizing is more evident in his portrayal of New Orleans as a city where upper-class people marry members of the lower class, fghts get ugly but are forgotten the next day, and the perpetual bluesy notes of an old piano take the sting out of poverty. The play immediately establishes Stanley and Blanche as polar opposites, with Stella as the link between them. Stage directions describe Stanley as a virulent character whose chief pleasure is women. His dismissal of Blanches beauty is therefore significant, ecause it shows that she does not exude his same brand of carnal desire. On the other hand, Blanches delicate manners and sense of propriety are offended by Stanleys brutish virility. Stanleys qualities†variously described as vitality, heartiness, brutality, primitivism, lust for life, animalistic†lead him over the course of the play into an unrelenting, unthinking assault on the already crumbling facade of Blanches world. Blanche comes across as a frivolous, hysterical, insensitive, and self- obsessed individual as she derides her sisters lesser social status and doesnt xpress Joy at seeing Stella so in love. Blanche, who arrives in New Orleans having lost Belle Reve and having been forced to leave her Job, exudes vulnerability and emotional frailty. Stanleys cocky interactions with Blanche show him to be insensitive †he barely lets Blanche get a word in edgewise as he quickly assesses her beauty. Nevertheless, in this introduction, the audience is likely to sympathize with Stanley rather than Blanche, for Blanche behaves superficially and haughtily, while Stanley comes across as unpretentious, a social being with a zest for life. Stanleys entrance ith a package of meat underscores his primitive qualities. It is as if he were bringing it back to his cave fresh from the kill. His entrance also underscores the intense sexual bond between him and Stella, which is apparent to the other characters as well. Stanley yells Catch! as he tosses the package, and a moment later the Negro woman yells Catch what! Eunice and the Negro woman see something sexual, and scandalously hilarious, in Stanleys act of tossing the meat to a breathlessly delighted Stella. The name of the Kowalskis street underscores the extreme, opposing rchetypes that Stanley and Blanche represent. Elysian Fields is the name for the ancient Greek version of the afterlife. Stanley, the primitive, pagan reveller who is in touch with his vital core, is at home in the Elysian Fields, but the Kowalskis home and neighbourhood clearly are not Blanches idea of heaven. Blanche represents a society that has become too detached from its animal element. She is distinctly over civilized and has repressed her vitality and her sexuality. Blanches health and her sanity are Scene 2 Scene Two starts to move our sympathies away from Stanley as the more malignant spects of his character start to surface. Whereas Scene One stresses the sexual attraction that drew Stella and Stanley to one another despite class differences, Scene Two shows Stanley acting disrespectful to Stella and antagonistic to her sister. Meanwhile, our compassion for Blanche increases as Williams reveals Just how destitute she is by showing that all of her belongings in the world amount to a trunk full of gaudy dresses and cheap Jewellery. In one sense, Stanley and Blanche are fighting for Stella†each would like to pull Stella beyond the reach of the other. But their opposition is also more elemental. They are incompatible forces, manners versus manhood†and peace between them is no more than a temporary cease-fire. Blanche represents the Old Souths intellectual romanticism and dedication to appearances. Stanley represents the New Souths ruthless pursuit of success and economic pragmatism. When Stanley confronts Blanche after her bath, she shows that she understands the nature of their clash when she tells him that Stella doesnt understand him as well as she does. Calling upon the Napoleonic code enables Stanley to Justify his feelings of entitlement toward Stellas inheritance. In doing so, he shows that he is ignorant of legal technicalities, because Belle Reve, located in Laurel, Mississippi, wouldnt fall under New Orleans Jurisdiction. However, Stanleys repeated references to the Napoleonic code highlight the fact that his conflict with Blanche is also a gender showdown. Stanleys greed reveals his misogyny, or woman- hating tendencies. As a man, Stanley feels that what Stella has belongs to him. He also hates Blanche as a woman and as a person with a more prestigious family name, and therefore suspects that Blanches business dealings have been dishonest. Blanche takes the first of many baths in this scene. She claims that steaming hot baths are necessary to calm her nerves, a believable excuse given her constant hysteria. Yet Blanches constant need to wash her body symbolizes her need for emotional, spiritual, and mental cleansing. Her bathing foreshadows the eventual revelation of her sordid past. She desires to rid herself of her social blemishes and start over after leaving Laurel. Two mysteries from Scene One are solved in Scene Two. Blanche reveals the boy she spoke of at the end of Scene One to be her usband. She tells Stanley that she hurt her husband the way that Stanley would like to hurt her, warning him that his goal is impossible, since she is not young and vulnerable anymore. Blanche knew her husbands weakness and unfeelingly used that weakness to destroy him. Yet she is naive to think that Stanley wont be able to do the same thing to her. She would like to believe that her age and experience protect her against Stanleys callous assaults, but Stanley recognizes Blanches essential weakness. Also, Stellas revelation to the audience that she is pregnant when she asks Stanley not to mention h er pregnancy to Blanche) explains Blanches remark about Stellas weight gain, and Stellas refusal to discuss her weight gain with her sister.

Friday, September 27, 2019

What steps do you think can be taken to overcome corruption in the Essay

What steps do you think can be taken to overcome corruption in the management of schools and how far do you think these would be effective - Essay Example ake the distinction that while corruption is nowhere near a predominant of a problem in the education sector as it is in other realms of public life, it is impermissible and abhorrent in this sector because of its moral implications of educational enterprise. There are various types of corruptions in schools and steps need to be taken in order to overcome them. This easy will look at various scenarios that can be classified as corruption in the management in schools. It will also discuss the steps that need to be undertaken to overcome corruption and their effectiveness. Public education is education mandate for the children of the general public by the government, whether national, regional or local provided by an institution of civil government, and paid for, in whole or in part, by taxes. These public schools are prone to mismanagement and corruption just like any other government institution. Government may make a public policy decision that it wants to have some financial resources distributed in support of, and it may want to have some control over, the provision of education, which is not public education. Grants-in-aid of private schools, and voucher systems all provide examples of publicly funded education, which is not public education. Conversely, a public school (including ones run by school districts) may rely heavily on non-public funding (such as high fees or private donations) but still be considered public by virtue of public ownership and control. The Board of Governor who gets appointed to the board of governor abuses their powers. For example where the board of governors appoints a principal where they uses him to further their interests. The board of governor dictates the principal on how to run the school and even when it come to procurements in the school, the board dictates where it is to be done. The school boards most often are put together for the sake of formality. Lack of school autonomy, I strongly feel that it is ambiguity that

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Ocean Liner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Ocean Liner - Essay Example The Vice President of Finance for Ocean Carriers has received an attractive proposal from a prospective customer who wants to lease a ship for the period of three years from the company. The customer, his offer and contract terms are all feasible, but the problem is that the company does not have any ship available at that time to meet the customer’s unique needs. Therefore, the company needs to urgently purchase a new ship so as to fulfill the customer’s request on time, or on the contrary reject the customer’s proposal. The problem underlying the case is not merely concerning the acceptance or rejection of the lease proposal by the customer. As the company cannot meet the customer’s demand simply with any of the available ships, it either needs to purchase a new ship matching the customer’s needs or to reject the proposal altogether. This does not concern the company with a single moment of thought regarding a new investment. The problem basically lies in investigating and analyzing the attractiveness of the customer offer against the investment that the company needs to make in this project. The crux of the issue is whether or not the company should purchase the new ship, which is necessary if Ocean Carrier wants to accept the proposal of this customer; otherwise the company will have to forego the attractive return offered. Secondly, the customer is willing to contract the ship for a period of three years, while the life of the ship would be 25 years. However as per the company’s policy, it utilizes a ship for no more than 15 years of its operations. Therefore, the investment in this new ship exclusively for this customer’s request needs to be analyzed in the perspective if the market environment is feasible for the purchase of new ship and that the ship can be used to generate returns for the company

Media Entertainment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Media Entertainment - Essay Example This report declares that the purpose of media entertainment is to, simply put, entertain the masses. The various mediums of media offer different experiences, allowing everyone to have more than a couple of options of how to be entertained. Music entertainment exists for people who only want to please their sense of hearing; for people that like to sing along with their music, it also offers them the chance to engage with this form of entertainment. Television shows and movies provide people with the opportunity to watch various exploits as if viewing from the sidelines. Video games all people to actually engage with the storyline of their entertainment. For those that like to watch or listen to news broadcasts or sporting events, they can do so without having to leave their home. There is a form of media for everyone. This paper explores that the various functions of media entertainment encompass various ways to entertain and inform people. Though there are people that believe the media will be the downfall of intelligence in children and the human race as a whole, studies have shown that being subjected to media entertainment, regardless of the medium, can help a person to become well rounded and cultured, as they are experiences different life events, situations, and artistic expression via the media. However, to make the learning experience more enjoyable, the media really has to play up on the entertaining aspects of their entertainment. Likewise, the entertaining aspects of the media also need to be as such to attract various audiences and to bring them coming back for more.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

How does middle school approaches particularly with an visual arts Essay

How does middle school approaches particularly with an visual arts focus help to reengage kids - Essay Example teacher is in a position to help the students’ development, especially children who may be disadvantaged due to any of several causes such as those from poorer socio-economic groups, the disabled, or children from diverse cultures with communication and language difficulties. Learning and working on visual arts help disadvantaged children to overcome psychological limitations or barriers, and grow to their full potential. The middle school child from ten through fourteen years of age, is in transescence, which is a period in human development that begins with late childhood and continues through the early stages of adolescence. During this time of rapid but irregular growth, most children develop to physical maturity. In the middle school years, teachers and students are involved with each other, the curriculum meets the needs of the students’ stage of development, education is exciting and enables the students to prepare for more advanced courses that will need to be tackled in high school (Glenn, 1986: 6, 5). In the case of disadvantaged children, the opportunities for communication and self-expression are crucial in engaging them towards improvement in their self-concept and a better quality of life. The school reform movement termed as multiculturalism requires changes to some extent in the roles of art instructors for middle school children. It is important to understand culture and cultural diversity because â€Å"culture provides beliefs, values, and the patterns that give meaning and structure to life† (Ballengee-Morris & Stuhr, 2001: 6). Such an understanding allows individuals belonging to multiple social groups to function effectively in their constantly changing social and cultural environments. Since education is part of cultural experience, it does not comprise only of the various disciplines, but includes concepts of history and self-identity. For the effective development of a sense of identity, the middle school visual arts education plays

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Training Needs Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Training Needs Analysis - Research Paper Example The rapid economic changes, globalization and advancement of technology have generated various types of training needs in organizations. However, it has been increasingly realized that effective training can only be possible through accurate analysis of the training needs and requirements. Conducting training needs assessment is particularly important for protecting the assets of the organization and also assuring that resources are set aside for addressing the training issues and reserved and used for that particular purpose only (Barbazette, 2006, p.6). The paper tries to present a critical analysis of the aspect of training needs assessments in organizations by presenting the various arguments of authors for or against the topic. The arguments would primarily aim at determining whether training is the appropriate solution for a performance deficiency. If increasing the employee’s skills and knowledge does not help to resolve a crisis then training would not prove to be help ful. This calls for the need for assessing the training needs and requirements in order to ensure that the resources are put to appropriate use and are not wasted. The paper would also present the suggestions for removing possibilities of training deficiencies in organizations. Review of the Literature Training theorists and academicians have realized the analysis of training needs as a function which is integral to the training programs in organizations. In order to utilize the resources effectively it is crucial to determine the exact location, scope and magnitude of the needs for training. The researchers have put forth the fact that there is no justification for investing in the training programs if they do not result in improving or enhancing the efficiency of the workforce (Moore & Dutton, 1978). Training needs analysis is considered to be the first step in the cyclical process contributing to the overall educational and training strategy of the staff in organizations. The pro cess begins with the systematic consultation for identifying the learning needs of the staff followed by the program planning, delivery and evaluation. Research conducted on micro level and macro level training needs revealed that despite their small scale and limited scope training needs initiatives at the micro level demonstrated more methodological vigour and laid greater emphasis on the perspectives of shareholders in order to generate such findings which would be able to influence the remaining part of the training cycle positively (Gould, Kelly & White & Chidgey, 2003). In 1952, Mahler and Monroe made a study of the determination of the needs for training in the industry and showed that most of the methods of analysing training needs were informal. Only about one out of every ten companies reported to be using systematic approaches for determining the training needs. Observations, management requests, and discussion with superiors were among the most commonly used techniques f or determining the needs. Wood, (1939) noted that that questionnaire could be considered as an effective way of determining training needs but was of the conclusion that there was very little evidence which showed application of the research methods for need determination. A BNA survey conducted

Monday, September 23, 2019

Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth - Essay Example For economic growth to happen there is a need for entrepreneurs to assume, manage, and organize the risks that are in the various business ventures. While entrepreneurship is personal, it has an impact on the entire society, which affirms the positive correlation between entrepreneurship and economic growth. Entrepreneurship is usually s an outcome of complex factors that include socioeconomic, technological, and psychological factors within the environments in which the entrepreneurs live. As a process, entrepreneurship is very dynamic and risky as it involves a combination of human talent or creativity, capital and technology. The concept of entrepreneurship applies to small business enterprises as well as large businesses and multinational corporations. It also applies to economic activities and non-economic activities. Entrepreneurial activity on the other hand refers to the rate of new venture start up that is initiated or started by the entrepreneurs and is motivated by the ava ilability of opportunities. Economic development focuses on ways in which production and competition for resources in enhanced. It also involves the process through which per capita income of a country is increased. ... The economy is portrayed as a combination of enterprises and businesses each of which is a combination of the various factors of production. The Role of the Entrepreneur and Creativity The entrepreneur fulfills several functions. The most important function is that of innovation. The entrepreneur uses the available information and his creativity to come up with products that fulfill the need that has been identified in the society. The entrepreneur also comes up with improvements on the already existing products and comes up with new markets for the products. Being creative, the entrepreneur also comes up with a new organization for a specific industry. Through creative innovations, the entrepreneur converts the available material into resources. He also comes up with different ways to combine the available resources and come up with more products that are better and more productive. Creativity is therefore a very important part of the entrepreneurship process. In relation to entrepr eneurship, creativity is the process of developing new services and products that were previously unavailable (Wennekers, Stel, and Carree 45). An entrepreneur also has the responsibility of organizing the resources that are a necessary part of production. This means he has to use his creative and innovative abilities, and his leadership skills to coordinate the production team, generate the resources required for production, and supervise the process of production. The entrepreneur has to ensure that the available resources are channeled towards progressive activities in the pursuit that he has chosen. If the entrepreneur is not keen on the process of the organization of the resources, he may end up using the available resources to produce goods or services that are already in surplus.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The special education process Essay Example for Free

The special education process Essay The purpose of descriptive, qualitative study will be to discover how parents and teachers of special education students see their roles in the special education process. The study also will seek to assess the level of participation of the parents and teachers of students with special needs. The questions that will be specifically posed for the study are: a) What is the extent of parental involvement (participation) in the education of their children in special education self-contained programs? b) Is there a significant difference between the perceptions of teachers and the perceptions of parents concerning their role and their importance of parental involvement for special education students in self-contained programs? The school district was selected based on its location, size and diversity. The school district was selected based on: 1) high incidence of special needs students, 2) racial composition of students in self-contained program and 3) racial composition of teaching staff. The population was multicultural being primarily composed of African-American, White, Hispanic, and Asian parents and teachers. The study was conducted through teacher and parent questionnaires which were specifically developed by the researcher for this study. The survey questionnaire was developed as a result of many discussions pertaining to parents’ and educators’ feelings about parental involvement in the special education process of their children. Two 25 item questionnaires (one for the parent and one for the special education teacher) served as instruments to compare the perceptions of parents and special education teachers. The 25 item questionnaires helped ascertain how often parents participate in the various parental involvement opportunities in the school, determine parents’ level of understanding of parental involvement, measure the parents satisfaction with their current involvement, and get the respondents’ opinions regarding the effectiveness of parental involvement in the education of the children. The primary source of data was collected through parent and teacher survey questionnaires within the school district. Each questionnaire and corresponding teacher or parent was assigned a number for tracking and confidentiality purposes. The anonymity of each survey participant was guaranteed because participant’s names were not placed on the instrument. Data collection entailed the use of self-administered survey questionnaires that were distributed by mail. Mailed surveys were utilized because they provided the most cost effective method of gathering data. Participating parents and teachers were given instrument packages with self-explanatory directions; they were asked to complete the questionnaires independently and return them. Participants were given two weeks to complete the 25 item questionnaire. At the end of the two weeks, a follow up call or letter was made to parents. Questionnaires completed by the parents of 22 students in self contained were analyzed in relation to the special education teachers’ responses. A survey instrument was used to assess the perceptions the parents of children in self contained program on parental involvement in the education of their special needs children. Teachers were given a similar author-developed questionnaire to determine teacher’s thoughts about the parental involvement of the parents of their students in self contained program. Participation was on a voluntary basis. The data for this study was collected through two questionnaires using a parallel sample. The parallel populations were: 1) parents who have children enrolled in special education program (self-contained) and 2) special education teachers. Variables considered were race, age, parents’ income, parent marital status, and parent educational level. Teachers’ variables include age, marital status, race, and teaching experience The nature and extent of parental involvement by parents of special needs children and teachers in self-contained classrooms were examined. The study was intended to provide information on the differences between parents and school teachers perceptions of involvement in the special education process. The data will be presented as a summation of teachers’ and parents’ response to the questionnaires. The responses of the two groups were transcribed and analyzed using a description of results. The responses of the two groups were also compared on their perceptions of parent involvement. All data received through special education teacher and parent questionnaires were reviewed and analyzed through a detailed description of teacher and parent responses

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Experiments in Quantum Mechanics

Experiments in Quantum Mechanics The theory of quantum mechanics developed when the classical theories of mechanics and electromagnetism were unable to provide explanation to the characteristics of atomic structure and electromagnetic radiation  (Rae, 2008). The appearance of quantum mechanics resulted in the emergence of a principle that has the ability to describe the nuclei, proton and neutron (Rae, 2008). Quantum theory has two sides, the first is the mathematical side and the second is the conceptual side. The mathematical side has been successful in estimating the atomic and subatomic phenomena, while the conceptual side â€Å"has been a subject of endless discussions without agreed conclusions† (Thankappan, 1993). 1.0 Double Slit Experiment It is known that when particles are emitted through two slits two bands are formed, while when waves are passed through two slits interference pattern is formed on the back wall. When the crest of the first wave meets the trough of the second wave, the two waves cancel each other and destructive interference occurs which result in appearance of dark lines. On the other hand, when two crests or two troughs of the wave meet each other construction interference occurs and bright lines are formed. The elegant difference is blurred by quantum mechanics. When a stream of electrons passed through one slit, a single band is formed, but when electrons emitted through two slits an interference pattern is formed, but how could a piece of matters create an interference pattern like waves? Physicists thought that particles bounced each other and created the interference pattern. This time they decided to shoot the electrons one at a time, by this method it is impossible for electrons to interfere with each other. After a time the same interference pattern is formed. The conclusion was that the single electron leaves as a particle and becomes a wave of potential then it goes through both slits and interferes with itself to hit the wall like a particle (The particle is in two places at once), but mathematically it is even stranger that the electron goes through both slits, it goes through neither, it goes through just one slit or it goes through just the other. All of these possibilities are in superposition with each other (Khutoryansky, 2013). (Perimeter Institute, 2012) Figure 1.0 Double-slit apparatus showing the pattern of electron hits on the observing screen building up over time. This made the physicist completely puzzled and they decided to install a measuring device by one slit to see which slit the electrons actually pass through, but the quantum world is far more mysterious than they could have imagined. The electron decided to act differently because it felt that the observer watched it. When they observed the electron, the electron went back to behave like a little marble, it produced a pattern of two bands and not many interference pattern as it was expected. Physicists were Perplexed, they asked what is the matter? Is it Particles or waves? (Khutoryansky, 2013) After a while they have discovered that, when the electron was observed the wave function was collapsed. 1.1 The Explanation of double slit experiment A Physicist called Max Born, one of the founders of quantum mechanics came up with a new idea for what the wave equation described. Born said that the wave is not a smeared out of electron or anything else previously encountered in science. Instead, he declared that electrons are something about a probability wave (Probability distribution), that is Born argued that the size of the wave that any location predicts the likelihood of the electron being found there. Where the wave is big that is not where most of the electrons are, that is where the electrons are most likely to be, and that is very strange, so the electron on its own sees a jumble of possibilities (Khutoryansky, 2013). â€Å"You are not allowed to ask where is the electron right now, but you are allowed to ask if I look for the electron in this little particular of space, what is the likelihood I will find it there, and that bugs anyone!†(Peter Fisher, 2012). Finally, it is shown that the implication of this experiment is that matter can have both wave and particles properties. This is known as â€Å"Wave-Particle Duality† or â€Å"Dual Nature of Particles† This is proposed by Louis de Broglie in 1923 leading to the birth of modern day quantum mechanics. Exhibiting particles or waves characteristics depends if a detector is observing the matter or not. The second implication of the double slit experiment is that the outcomes of macroscopic events can be affected by observation. This is because macroscopic objects are composed of microscopic particles acting as either waves or particles (Lejuwaan, 2010). These facts lead to the emergence of De Broglie equation as shown in (1.1) and (1.2) (1.1) (1.2) Where is the wavelength, is Plancks constant, is the frequency, and E is the total energy of the particle (Phillips, 2003). The equations (1.1) and (1.2) are equivalently equal to (1.3) (1.4) Where is the modified Planck’s constant (), k is the angular wave number (and is the angular frequency ( (Phillips, 2003). The comparison between planets in a solar system and electrons in an atom was no longer reasonable. De Broglie’s hypothesis led to the development of quantum mechanics and subsequently the Schrà ¶dinger equation. It is important to know the equations (1.1) and (1.2) to understand the concept of the Schrà ¶dinger equation that will be discussed in the next section. 2. The Schrà ¶dinger wave equation Quantum mechanics is all about solving the Schrà ¶dinger equation. There are many Schrà ¶dinger equations, each physical scenario for which you want to apply. Quantum mechanics has its own Schrà ¶dinger equation, they are all slightly different and all require slightly different solution techniques. The reason why there are many different Schrà ¶dinger equations is that the situation over under which you want to solve the Schrà ¶dinger equation enters the Schrà ¶dinger equation as a potential function and we know that potential function influence the physics of quantum mechanics. The Schrà ¶dinger equation is a wave equation that describes the behavior of particles by taking account the fact that matter also has these wave-like properties. â€Å"The role of the Schrà ¶dinger equation in quantum mechanics is analogous to that of Newton’s Laws in classical mechanics. Both describe motion. Newton’s Second Law is a differential equation which describes how a classical particle moves, whereas the Schrà ¶dinger equation is a partial differential equation which describes how the wave function representing a quantum particle ebbs and flows. In addition, both were postulated and then tested by experiment† (Phillips, 2003). The Schrà ¶dinger wave equation helped in the emergence of quantum mechanics and Erwin Schrà ¶dinger was the reason of establishing an equation that considered as one of the fundamentals of quantum mechanics (Freiberger, 2012). There are two forms of the Schrodinger equation, the first form is time dependent Schrà ¶dinger equation and the second form is time independent Schrà ¶dinger equation (The Schrodinger Wave Equation, n.d.). 2.1 Time dependent Schrà ¶dinger wave equation: (1.5) Where is the imaginary unit, is the modified Planck’s constant (), indicates a partial derivative with respect to time t, is the wave function of the quantum system, and is the Hamiltonian operator (Wikipedia, 2014). (1.6) Where m is the mass of particle, V is the potential energy and is the Laplacian. The equation (1.5) is the general equation, while the equation (1.6) is the â€Å"single non-relativistic particle† of the time dependent Schrà ¶dinger equation. By solving time dependent Schrà ¶dinger equation, we can determine the probability of detection of particle in some region as a function of time (Phillips, 2003). 2.2 Time independent Schrà ¶dinger wave equation: Time independent Schrodinger equation is used more than time dependent Schrodinger equation, because the time is measured on a small scale. â€Å"The time-independent Schrà ¶dinger equation predicts that wave functions can form standing waves, called stationary states† (Wikipedia, 2014). The time independent Schrà ¶dinger equation has another important use that is making the time dependent Schrà ¶dinger equation to be solved easily once the stationary states are predicated by the time independent Schrà ¶dinger equation (Phillips, 2003). Eψ (1.7) (1.8) The equation (1.7) is the general equation, while the equation (1.8) is the â€Å"single non-relativistic particle† of time independent Schrà ¶dinger equation. 3. The Role of Quantum Mechanics in Structure-Based Drug Design Most drugs are very small molecules compered to their targets that are enzymes. In order for drugs to take its effect it has to bind to the active site of the enzyme. We can think about this as an engine that has moving parts that moving, and a little drug get stuck in the gears of the engine and hence the entire engine stopped working. This is how drugs are working. In order to design drug pharmaceuticals must know much information about the active site of the enzyme; it will help them a lot if they have a very high-resolution structure so they can know the active site of the enzyme. There are important enzymes whose structure is strange such as catalase which shown in figure (1.9) and it will be easier to design drugs if the structure of the active site is known (Kalyaanamoorthy and Chen, 2011). Over many decades, specialists used the high technological abilities to displace the hard obstructions that they faced along the path of drug discovery. This allowed them to improve the methods of drug design (Kalyaanamoorthy and Chen, 2011). There were many computational approaches that used at different stages of drug design process. These computational approaches were successful in decreasing the number of ligands (â€Å"a molecule such as drug that binds to receptor† (, 2014).) In addition, in form the computational approaches helped in reducing the period and costs of drug discovery. The computational approach that we will discuss about is the structure-based drug design (SBDD). It is a method that depends on 3-D structures of biological targets. SBDD has two phases; hit identification and lead identification. The first phase is about exhibiting powerfulness against the target by the recognition of chemical compounds called â€Å"hits†. â€Å"Whereas, the latter engages evaluation of the screened hits to identify the promising lead molecules before proceeding toward a large-scale lead optimization†(Kalyaanamoorthy and Chen, 2011). On of the most successful examples of the history of SBDD is the development of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) proteinase inhibitor (Meyer and Swanson et al., n.p.). 3.1 Target Identification Identifying the right target is only the first stage of a long process. Scientists need to find a protein or gene that is associated with the disease (Kalyaanamoorthy and Chen, 2011). Proteins come from genes, and it is easier to study genes than to study proteins. One approach to find a new drug target, involves comparing the genes of healthy individuals with those of people with the disease. The differences between two genetics maps can help to generate hypotheses in which proteins or lack of thereof cause the disease. It is also possible to do the opposite, by changing one gene at a time in cells or simple organisms, and then observing the resulting effects that will happen, so it called the phenotype of the mutation. If the phenotype has some similarity with the disease’s states, it can give ideas about the possible relation between the mutated gene and the disease. The third approach of target identification is to start already with a bioactive substance such as a natural medicine used in traditional medicine, a compound from basic research or known drugs with unexpected effects (Kalyaanamoorthy and Chen, 2011). When targets are identified they, another process occurs which called drug validation. Drug validation is on of the most important steps in SBDD; many drugs that failed were because it was not checked by â€Å"drug validation process† (Hughes and Rees et al., 2011). When the target and the active site have been identified then the hit discovery process starts. One of the successful validation tools is the transgenic animal (animals that carry foreign genes) as they allow observing the phenotypic endpoints (Hughes and Rees et al., 2011). 3.2 Hit Identification When the targets are discovered and being checked for target validation, the next step is hit identification. Hit identification is about getting a small molecule that has some of the initial properties that pharmaceuticals want in their final drugs. It is very early in the process of a drug discovery. The â€Å"hit† is defined as a molecule that binds to the target. There are some ways that used to determine identify the hit. One way is to start with a natural substrate and to make it drug-like. The second way is to design a De novo hit by SBDD. This way works if pharmaceuticals are familiar with the binding site as well as the protein structure. High throughput screening (HTS) is a process that aims to find inhibitors for the targets by using rapid assays. With HTS there is no need to be familiar with the nature of chemotype likely to have activity at the target protein (Hughes and Rees et al., 2011). HTS is considered as one of the main processes for hit identification (Hug hes and Rees et al., 2011). The disadvantage of HTS is that it requires a lot of materials and time to do a huge combinatorial space (high cost) (Hughes and Rees et al., 2011). When starting with HTS pharmaceuticals need to screen a lot of molecules to find a drug. HTS screens more than hundred thousand to million compounds or even more than a million compounds (Hughes and Rees et al., 2011). Most of the molecules will not be active against the â€Å"biology†, while a large number of molecules will be active against the â€Å"biology† and the process keeps going until there is only one molecule that is active against the â€Å"biology† 3.3 Hit to Lead Phase â€Å"Hit to lead† phase is an elevated level of SBDD phases. It helps pharmaceuticals to get closer to a drug that is safe and efficacious in people because it helps to identify compounds with improved potency (Hughes and Rees et al., 2011). â€Å"A lead compound is a compound that demonstrate a desired a biological activity on a validated molecular target† (Pharmacelsus GmbH, 2013). The key thing about the hit to lead phase is to identify compounds that is not only binds to the protein, but they in fact work inside a cell, and they show the selectivity in a cell (Hughes and Rees et al., 2011). The key aspect of hit to lead stage is a repeated process in which it not only shows that the compound works in a biochemical assay, but it also demonstrate that it works effectively and selectively in a cell-based assay (Hughes and Rees et al., 2011). Therefore, it can go through the cell membrane, reach the target inside the cell, and engage that protein in a cell-based assay. In starting the hit to lead phase, the compounds start off with potencies that are weaker than pharmaceuticals would like. What pharmaceuticals looking for is compounds that will make the medicinal chemistry that will improve the potency of the hit compound at least a factor of ten, and ideally a factor of twenty in the biochemical assay (Kalyaanamoorthy and Chen, 2011). Also, pharmaceuticals look for things to start off with from the hit stage that have weak cellular potency, but with medicinal chemistry that correlates with the biochemical potency mentioned above (Kalyaanamoorthy and Chen, 2011). Furthermore, it drives the cellular potency to be more potent in the cell. This is all toward the goal that pharmaceuticals want to get potent compounds that are cell active. Also, there are several other important properties such that, if Pharmaceuticals do not want the compound to bond to other off-target that may cause toxicity then they prefer compound to have potency that at least ten-fold weaker to the closest related target. We will not discuss in detail. Knowing the active site is a very important thing in drug designing, there are several ways that used to determine the active site for unknown drugs active sites. 4. Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) The quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) is considered as one of the earliest approaches to drug design. This approach is all about finding a relationship between how active the compound is as a drug and the physical activities of the compound. The fundamental principle of QSAR is that the change in structural properties of the compound can lead to a change in the biological activities of the compound. QSAR allowed us to determine where approximately the drug settles in the human body. This is determined by a physical property that used which called the distribution coefficients between octanol and water (is the ratio between the concentration of a compound in the mixture). â€Å"QSAR depends on bulk properties of the potential drug molecules† (Moore, 2002). A new method is emerged, it is called 3D-QSAR, 3D-QSAR is considered to be an effective tool in the design of pharmaceuticals drugs that helps to connect the activity of a molecule with the properties that d epends on a special part of the molecular structure. We superimpose by a computer a set of molecules that we know their activities. By this method, the set of molecules with similar groups will be in the same place. Furthermore, a small box is drowned that divided into lattice of n points along each side and 200pm apart from each other (Moore, 2002). The box contains all the molecules. A box containing one molecule is shown in figure 2.0 5.1 QM/MM studies of pharmaceutically relevant targets In this section we will discuss about an experiment that Alessio and Marco (2012) did to show that QM/MM could predict the binding orientation of a reference inhibitor. The experiment is all about the interaction of fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) and carbamic acid aryl ester inhibitors (URB524) (Lodola and De Vivo, 2012, pp. 337-362). â€Å"In general, SBDD depends on the accuracy of ligand docking, and the ability to identify binding modes† (Lodola and De Vivo, 2012, pp. 337-362). When FAHH is docked with URB524 inhibitors, there are two possible of this docking. Tools that applied in drug discovery were not able to distinguish between the two binding orientations. On the other hand, when QM/MM was used to model the inhibitor binding process, it made such a good success in revealing that (Lodola and De Vivo, 2012, pp. 337-362). QM/MM calculations showed that, the second orientation was energetically preferred. This QM/MM calculation’s suggested that the notably higher barrier in the first orientation led to an unstable product. (Lodola and De Vivo, 2012, pp. 337-362). By QM/MM we can gain a detailed understanding of the binding site interactions, and hence QM/MM can contribute practically to drugs design. On the other hand, although QM/MM gives a detailed understanding of the binding site interactions, QM/MM has not yet played an important role in drug designing. Due to the high computational abilities that QM/MM has, it looks like that QM/MM will be a main and an indispensable tool in drug design in the recent years.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Terminal Tale of Today Will Be A Quiet Day :: Today Will Be a Quiet Day Essays

The Terminal Tale of Today Will Be A Quiet Day  Ã‚        Ã‚   After reading "Today Will Be A Quiet Day" by Amy Hemple, I had an eerie feeling that something bad was going on behind the scenes. I feel that the father has a terminal disease and he wants to happily live out the last few days of his life. I think that there is conclusive evidence that "Today Will Be A Quiet Day" is not a happy story, but in fact a sad one. First of all, death plays a huge role in this story. Death is brought up so many times in this story one can only conclude that there is some kind of foreshadowing going on. For example, the very first line of the story deals with disaster and death. In the first paragraph the boy talks about what would happen if an earthquake occurred while they were on the bridge. He says, "I think if the quake hit now the bridge would collapse and the ramps would be left" (1202). At the end of the first page the father remembers a boy who went to his son’s school who committed suicide. Another part of death in this story is the mention of the family dog that was put to sleep five years ago for biting a little girl. The daughter had always thought that the dog had gone to live in the mountains, but when she finds out that the dog was put to sleep, she gets all upset about her loss. Even the joke about the guillotine that the girl tells involves death. All of these examples are h ints that there is a death in the near future. The fact that the mother is not mentioned throughout the whole story implies that she is no longer around to take care of the children. The father, then, makes little hints about his departure such as, "Who will ever adopt you if you don’t mind your manners" (1204). Although, this may have been a joke it is far too serious to let go. This is a serious sign of a fatal illness. Yet another sign of fatality is the mention of the tombstone, and this is tied directly, and significantly, to the title of the story.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Affirmative Action is Reverse Discrimination Essay -- Argumentative Pe

Affirmative Action is Reverse Discrimination Is it possible to fill out a job application, apply for college, or even fill out a simple survey without being asked to provide one’s ethnicity? I often wonder how many people actually look at the information I provide instead of the fact that I happen to be Hispanic. Does that make me any different? It is extremely frustrating to realize that despite the civil rights victories of the twenty-first century, our society is still obsessed with race. Advocates of affirmative action will love to tell the American people that minorities are truly benefited by these policies, and that they are thankful for the compensation of the discrimination of their ancestors. Here is one minority who will tell you very differently. Affirmative action is a process of reverse discrimination, giving me unfair advantages based on my race, disregarding my academic abilities and personal motivation. It is degrading that colleges do not think that I can succeed without my ethnicity being a factor in t he admissions process. Affirmative action is in no way beneficial to the minorities today, and history will show how it is slowly turning into a process of reverse discrimination. During the tumultuous civil rights movement of the 1960’s, President Lyndon Johnson issued a call to action to make up for past discrimination of minorities in American history. This new method of civil rights justice took on the term â€Å"affirmative action†. Preceding this was a rise to equality among minorities, mainly African Americans and Hispanics. The breakthrough case Brown v. Board of Education desegregated public schools and opened the door for national equality of all citizens. In 1963 President John Kennedy developed eigh... ...> Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978) 438 U.S. 265, No. 76-811 Schwartz, Michael. â€Å"The Ugly Effects of California’s Proposition 209.† Arizona Daily Wildcat. 4 Mar. 1998. â€Å"Table- UCLA Ethnic Enrollment(State and Non-State Support) (1) Fall 1973 To Fall 2000.† UCLA Office of Academic Planning and Budget, 2000. UCLA: November 2000. Michigan Engineering. University of Michigan, College of Engineering. 27 Nov. 2004. <> Wilson, Pete., Ward Connerly, and Pamela A. Lewis. â€Å"Argument in Favor of Proposition 209.† Homepage. 27 Nov. 2004

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Workaholism, Leisure And Pleasure Essay -- essays research papers

<a href="">Sam Vaknin's Psychology, Philosophy, Economics and Foreign Affairs Web Sites The official working week is being reduced to 35 hours a week. In most countries in the world, it is limited to 45 hours a week. The trend during the last century seems to be unequivocal : less work, more play. Yet, what may be true for blue collar workers or state employees – is not necessarily so for white collar members of the liberal professions. It is not rare for these people – lawyers, accountants, consultants, managers, academics – to put in 80 hour weeks. The phenomenon is so widespread and its social consequences so damaging that it acquired the unflattering nickname workaholism, a combination of the words â€Å"work† and â€Å"alcoholism†. Family life is disrupted, intellectual horizons narrow, the consequences to the workaholic’s health are severe : fat, lack of exercise, stress take their toll. Classified as â€Å"alpha† types, workaholics suffer three times as many heart attacks as their peers. But what are the social and economic roots of this phenomenon ? Put succinctly, it is the result of the blurring borders and differences between work and leisure. The distinction between these two types of time – the one dedicated to labour and the one spent in the pursuit of one’s interests – was so clear for thousands of years that its gradual disappearance is one of the most important and profound social changes in human history. A host of other shifts in the character of the work and domestic environments of humans converged to produce this momentous change. Arguably the most important was the increase in labour mobility and the fluid nature of the very concept of work and the workplace. The transitions from agricultural to industrial, then to the services and now to the information and knowledge societies, each, in turn, increased the mobility of the workforce. A farmer is the least mobile. His means of production are fixed, his produce was mostly consumed locally because of lack of proper refrigeration, preservation and transportation methods. A marginal group of people became nomad-traders. This group exploded in size with the advent of the industrial revolution. True, the bulk of the workforce was still immobile and affixed to the production floor. But raw materials and the finished products travelled long distances ... ...eneurs, the managers, the businessmen. They are the movers, the shakers, the pushers, the energy. Without them, we have socialist economies, where everything belongs to everyone and, actually to none. In these economies of â€Å"collective ownership† people go to work because they have to, they try to avoid it, to sabotage the workplace, they harbour negative feelings. Slowly, they wither and die (professionally) – because no one can live long in hatred and deceit. Joy is an essential ingredient. And this is the true meaning of capitalism : the abolition of work and leisure and the pursuit of both with the same zeal and satisfaction. Above all, the (increasing) liberty to do it whenever, wherever, with whomever you choose. Unless and until the Homo East Europeansis changes his set of mind – there will be no real transition. Because transition happens in the human mind much before it takes form in reality. It is no use to dictate, to legislate, to finance, to cajole, to offer – the human being must change first. It was Marx (a devout non-capitalist) who said : it is consciousness that determines reality. How right was he. Witness the USA and witness the miserable failure of communism.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Hawthorne The Myth of the Docile Worker Essay

Review This journal begins with an introduction to the infamous Hawthorne experiments led by Elton Mayo and Fritiz J. Roethlisberger. These experiments were based on Mayo’s belief in the need to shift the focus of management from a scientific approach to one that valued human relations. The Hawthorne experiments surfaced as the pioneer studies of it’s time in human management psychology. The results developed a theory known as the â€Å"Hawthorne effect† in which many have incorporated to form the fundamentals of modern day human relations in commerce. Roethlisberger described the â€Å"Hawthorne effect† as an awareness from the working class when special attention is given by their managements thus bringing about a positive change in productivity. Today, the â€Å"Hawthorne effect† is even equated as simply treating employees well. Bramel is critical when pin-pointing the flaws of the theory. Being unconcerned over the methodology and accuracy of the experiments, he gives Mayo the benefit of the doubt and instead questions in particular two aspects of the theory. The first of which is the assumption that workers are easily manipulated by their higher managements to become constructive and cohesive with their fellow workers thus increasing productivity regardless of the working environment or economy. The second assumption being, conflict between management and it’s workers are due to external factors and downplays the fact that conflicts of interests between the two parties is inevitable. The truth remains that the firm is exploitive in it’s capitalist nature, managers will constantly seek to increase productivity whereas workers will always look out for their own economic interest. Bramel’s interpretation of the Hawthorne effect puts into play the fact that the capitalist recognizes that human relations is important. However, he puts it sharply that Mayo’s interpretation of the management- worker relationship is that of a myth, and is not relevant to all managements and cannot be used as a textbook answer towards dealing with workers. Bramel is not the only one who is critical when it comes to the Hawthorne effect theory. Richard Gillespie, 1991, presents us with the most balanced view he strongly disapproves with the Hawthorne effect theory that satisfied employees are productive employees. Instead, he believes the Hawthorne effect is subject to the interpretations by the various experts who manage the situations and apply the theory on their workers to achieve the results they require. I believe the question now lies, how can managements change their worker’s attitudes to achieve a trusting and productive worker? A review of : Bramel, D. (August 1981). Hawthorne, the Myth of the Docile Worker, and Class Bias in Psychology. American Psychologist, Volume 36(8) pp. 867-878. Oreg and Berson note that careful selection process when selecting personnel eliminates negativity in workers and helps bring together like minded people who are passionate about their jobs and look for work satisfaction. (Oreg and Berson, 2011) In this way, class biases and the conflict of interests between managers and workers is reduced. Managers can expect to achieve their desired results and produce a motivated workforce. Managers can expect to maximise the capacity and performance of their human resources by orientating their workers to familiarise them with the company’s goals, objectives and vision, help their workers understand the constant changes and demands of their job requirements and minimises misunderstanding and conflicts in the workplace. In other words, by setting performance expectations that correspond with the worker’s value systems help managers shape their employee’s attitudes. (Oreg and Berson, 2011) Armed with such valuable information, managers who relay their expectations and keep an open channel of communication between themselves and their workers, allow workers to achieve their targets using their best possible means in the the ways most comfortable to them. Integrating workers into the firm is crucial. By providing a flexible and comfortable work environment, managers are able to fully achieve productivity by allowing each worker to be individualistic and reach their full potential. (David Fairhurst, 2010) David woods agrees that complex management hierarchies should be removed and employees are looking for the freedom of speech and their opinions to be valued by managements. He illustrates that in order to retain the best talents, modern managements are to be less oppressive in their management styles and provide more engaging benefits. Employees appreciate the transparency help in management and no longer feel that the firm is looking to exploit them, rather to reward performance based or meritocracy. (David woods, 2010) Wayne Gwilym the HR director of insulation firm Rockwool is one such manager. â€Å"I am a change manager†, Gwilym states. A decade ago, the workers were negative and demotivated when Gwilym took over HR operations of the family based business. Today, Gwilym boasts of the transformation that the Rockwool workforce has gone through and has become a valuable asset to the company. The answer for Rockwool’s workforce transformation presented to us by Gwilym was simple. It was to get the HR team, managers and their workers to work together to develop employment policies as a collaborative effort and expedite it’s implementation. Today, Rockwell strongly believes that a motivated workforce who trusts and looks forward to the business’s future success is one of the forces driving the business forward. Gwilym is a change manager who sees the importance of giving his worker’s stretching targets and establishing a cost cutting project (Harrington, Sià ¢n, 2010) A survey based research conducted by Anne Delarue, Geert Van Hootegem, Stephen Procter and Mark Burridge on teamwork and organizational performance go hand in hand with the concepts as explained to us by Gyilym. The authors suggest that an A review of : Bramel, D. (August 1981). Hawthorne, the Myth of the Docile Worker, and Class Bias in Psychology. American Psychologist, Volume 36(8) pp. 867-878. inclusive human resource system which emphasizes on teamwork, will have a positive effect on employee’s job satisfaction, commitment and motivation. These factors in turn lead to an improvement in employee attitudes and organizational performance. The journal points out that it is important for managers to discover how and why employees behave and perform the way they do. (Anne Delarue, Geert Van Hootegem, Stephen Procter and Mark Burridge, 2008) Bramel’s speculations in the Hawthorne effect theory involving the myth of the docile workers and that class biases do exist is one that I believe holds substance even in our day and age. Further research into the factors as pointed out by Bramel drive the same point home, class biases will continue to exits due to the capitalist nature of the industries and that workers are also humans whose mental state cannot be controlled and is difficult to predict. In today’s context, management sees the importance of a changing and flexible management that places importance in the welfare of it’s workers in order to obtain maximum productivity. Our society’s demanding and constantly changing expectations requires mangers to step up to the challenge to become a change manager who can adapt and find a balance between the expectations of the employers and it’s employees. Management styles will continue to vary and change, however, one fact remains, it is the managers’ duty to employ management techniques to reduce and eliminate threats to the firm. By narrowing down the factors that causes negativity in the workplace, managers can prevent workers’ counteractive mentalities and detrimental company cultures from taking seed. As quoted from Leo Burnett, â€Å"When you reach for the stars you may not quite get one†¦ But you won’t come up with a handful of mud either†. And I believe this is the mindset managers should have when working with their workers bearing in mind that the workforce are the ones who make or break a firm. As quoted from Will Hutton, â€Å"Human resources play a crucial role in the transformation of an industry – but only if it embraces the challenges.† (Will Hutton, 2010) A review of : Bramel, D. (August 1981). Hawthorne, the Myth of the Docile Worker, and Class Bias in Psychology. American Psychologist, Volume 36(8) pp. 867-878. Resources: Richard Gillespie, (1991). Manufacturing Knowledge: A history of the Hawthorne experiments†. Cambridge University Press. Shaul Oreg & Yair Berson, (Autumn 2011 ). Leadership and employees’ reactions to change: The role of Leaders’ personal attributes and transformational leadership style. Personnel Psychology, Vol. 64 issue 3, pp. 627-659. Fairhurst, David, (Nov 2010). We’re in danger of losing sight of the fact employees are human beings rather than, well, human resources. Human Resources. Human Resources. pp. 15-15. David Woods, (Nov 2010). HR Lessons†¦ From history. Human Resources. pp. 62-62. Harrington, Sià ¢n, (Nov 2010). Order out of Chaos. Human Resources. pp. 29-31. Anne Delarue, Geert Van Hootegem, Stepjem Protec & Mark Burridge, (2008). Teamwork and organizational performance: A review of survey-based research. International Journal of management reviews, volume 10 issue 2, pp. 127-148 Will Hutton, (Nov 2010). We cannot wish back into existence factories and steel mills that have been closed over the past 40 years. Human Resources. Pp 22-22.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Managment Defination Comparison

Management is: 1. Administration of business: the organizing and controlling of the affairs of a business or a sector of a business 2. Managers as group: managers and employers considered collectively, especially the directors and executives of a business or organization 3. Handling of something successfully: the act of handling or controlling something successfully â€Å"Crisis management† 4. Skill in handling or using something: the skillful handling or use of something such as resources This definition stress on the following functions: organization, running, administration, supervision, managing, controlling. However these functions required different levels of structures like: Directors, managers, executives, employers, board, bosses This definition covers the whole function of management however it ignores to show the importance of human from inspiration side ———————————————————————————————————– Definition of Management by functions: Financial & Investment Dictionary: Management Combined fields of policy and administration and the people who provide the decisions and supervision necessary to implement the owners' business objectives and achieve stability and growth. The administration of policies is carried out by the Chief Executive Officer, his or her immediate staff, and everybody else who possesses authority delegated by people with supervisory responsibility. Thus the size of management can range from one person in a small organization to multilayered management hierarchies in large, complex organizations. The top members of management, called senior management, report to the owners of a firm; in large corporations, the Chairman of the Board the President. The application of scientific principles to decision-making is called management science. Marketing Dictionary: Management 1. Collective administrative heads of a company, institution, business, etc. , who are responsible for conducting the affairs of the company (institution, business, etc. ) for meeting its short-range and long-range objectives, and for maintaining it as a profit-making organization and/or an ongoing enterprise. 2. Leading or supervising of an organization, business operation, or the like. 3. Wise use of means to accomplish a purpose. Business Encyclopedia: Management The role of a manager is comprehensive and often very complex. Not everyone wants to be a manager, nor should everyone consider being a manager. A Definition of Management Some would define management as an art, while others would define it as a science. Whether management is an art or a science isn't what is most important. Management is a process that is used to accomplish organizational goals; that is, a process that is used to achieve what an organization wants to achieve. An organization could be a business, a school, a city, a group of volunteers, or any governmental entity. Managers are the people to whom this management task is assigned, and it is generally thought that they achieve the desired goals through the key functions of (1) planning, (2) organizing, (3) directing, and (4) controlling. Some would include leading as a managing function, but for the purposes of this discussion, leading is included as a part of directing. Planning: Planning in any organization occurs in different ways and at all levels. The plant manager must be concerned with the overall operations of the plant, while the assembly-line manager or supervisor is only responsible for the line that he or she oversees. Planning could include setting organizational goals. This is usually done by higher-level managers in an organization. As a part of the planning process, the manager then develops strategies for achieving the goals of the organization. In order to implement the strategies, resources will be needed and must be acquired. The planners must also then determine the standards, or levels of quality, that need to be met in completing the tasks. In general, planning can be strategic planning, tactical planning, or contingency planning. Strategic planning is long-range planning that is normally completed by top-level managers in an organization. Examples of strategic decisions managers make are who the customer or clientele should be, what products or services should be sold, and where the products and services should be sold. Short-range or tactical planning is done for the benefit of lower-level managers, since it is the process of developing very detailed strategies about what needs to be done, who should do it, and how it should be done. Organizing: Organizing refers to the way the organization allocates resources, assigns tasks, and goes about accomplishing its goals, In the process of organizing, managers arrange a framework that links all workers, tasks, and resources together so the organizational goals can be achieved. Directing: Directing is the process that many people would most relate to managing, It is supervising, or leading workers to accomplish the goals of the organization. In many organizations, directing involves making assignments, assisting workers to carry out assignments, interpreting organizational policies, and informing workers of how well they are performing. To effectively carry out this function, managers must have leadership skills in order to get workers to perform effectively. Controlling The controlling function involves the evaluation activities that managers must perform. It is the process of determining if the company's goals and objectives are being met. This process also includes correcting situations in which the goals and objectives are not being met. There are several activities that are a part of the controlling function. ———————————————————————————————————— Managerial Skills To be an effective manager, it is necessary to possess many skills. Not all managers have all the skills that would make them the most effective manager. As technology advances and grows, the skills that are needed by managers are constantly changing. Different levels of management in the organizational structure also require different types of management skills. Generally, however, managers need to have communication skills, human skills, computer skills, time-management skills, and technical skills. Communication Skills Communication skills fall into the broad categories of oral and written skills, both of which managers use in many different ways. It is necessary for a manager to orally explain processes and give direction to workers. It is also necessary for managers to give verbal praise to workers. Managers are also expected to conduct meetings and give talks to groups of people. An important part of the oral communication process is listening. Managers are expected to listen to their supervisors and to their workers. A manager must hear recommendations and complaints on a regular basis and must be willing to follow through on what is heard. A manager who doesn't listen is not a good communicator. Human Skills Relating to other people is vital in order to be a good manager. Workers come in about every temperament that can be imagined. It takes a manager with the right human skills to manage this variety of workers effectively. Diversity in the workplace is commonplace. The manager must understand different personality types and cultures to be able to supervise these workers. Human skills cannot be learned in a classroom; they are best learned by working with people. Gaining an understanding of personality types can be learned from books, but practice in dealing with diverse groups is the most meaningful preparation. Computer Skills Technology changes so rapidly it is often difficult to keep up with the changes. It is necessary for managers to have computer skills in order to keep up with these rapid changes. Many of the processes that occur in offices, manufacturing plants, warehouses, and other work environments depend on computers and thus necessitate managers and workers who can skillfully use the technology. Although computers can cause headaches, at the same time they have simplified many of the tasks that are performed in the workplace. Time-Management Skills Because the typical manager is a very busy person, it is important that time be managed effectively. This requires an understanding of how to allocate time to different projects and activities. A manager's time is often interrupted by telephone calls, problems with workers, meetings, others who just want to visit, and other seemingly uncontrollable factors. It is up to the manager to learn how to manage time so that work can be completed most efficiently. Good time-management skills can be learned, but managers must be willing to prioritize activities, delegate, deal with interruptions, organize work, and perform other acts that will make them better managers. Technical Skills Different from computer skills, technical skills are more closely related to the tasks that are performed by workers. A manager must know what the workers who are being supervised are doing on their jobs or assistance cannot be provided to them. For example, a manager who is supervising accountants needs to know the accounting processes; a manager who is supervising a machinist must know how to operate the equipment; and a manager who supervises the construction of a home must know the sequence of operations and how to perform them. Management Thought There are many views of management, or schools of management thought, that have evolved over the years. What follows is a brief discussion of some of the theories of management that have greatly affected how managers manage today. Classical Thought The classical school of management thought emerged throughout the late 1800s and early 1900s as a result of the Industrial Revolution. Since the beginning of time, managers have needed to know how to perform the functions discussed earlier. The Industrial Revolution emphasized the importance of better management as organizations grew larger and more complex. As industry developed, managers had to develop systems for controlling inventory, production, scheduling, and human resources. It was the managers who emerged during the Industrial Revolution, many who had backgrounds in engineering, who discovered that they needed organized methods in order to find solutions to problems in the workplace. Behavioral Management Thought It was because the classical management theorists were so machine-oriented that the behavior lists began to develop their thinking. The behavioral managers began to view management from a social and psychological perspective. These managers were concerned about the well-being of the workers and wanted them to be treated as people, not a part of the machines. Contemporary Management Thought In more recent years, new management thoughts have emerged and influenced organizations. One of these is the sociotechnical system. A system is a set of complementary elements that function as a unit for a specific purpose. Systems theorists believe that all parts of the organization must be related and that managers from each part must work together for the benefit of the organization. Because of this relationship, what happens in one part of the organization influences and affects other parts of the organization. Closed Management Systems Within the classical and behavioral approaches to management, the managers look only within the organization to improve productivity and efficiency. This is a closed system—the organization operates as though it is in its own environment. Outside influence and information are blocked out. Open Management Systems Another perspective is the open system. As one would expect, here the organization functions in conjunction with its external environment, acting with and relying upon other systems. Advocates of an open system believe that an organization cannot avoid the influence of outside forces. Summary Management is a very complex process to which this article is but a brief introduction. Many other articles in this encyclopedia provide extensive insight into the many aspects of management. Different aspects of analyzing management definition: If you look up the dictionary definition of management, among many examples you will find clues as to the real definition of management. This article simply takes an assortment of definitions and looks at what they say and what they imply about management. 1-â€Å"Management† (from Old French menagement â€Å"the art of conducting, directing†, from Latin manu agere â€Å"to lead by the hand†) characterizes the process of leading and directing all or part of an organization, often a business, through the deployment and manipulation of resources (human, financial, material, intellectual or intangible). This definition of management is interesting because it traces the root meaning back to the Latin phrase meaning â€Å"to lead by the hand†. Leading by the hand implies giving direction that is stronger than just a passing suggestion yet still fairly gentle in approach. Leading by the hand also implies that the person doing the leading is first going where the follower is being lead. The leader is not asking the follower to do something he is not willing to do himself. 2-The guidance and control of action required to execute a program. Also, the individuals charged with the responsibility of conducting a program. This definition of management refers to a â€Å"program†. This implies that, for management to be effective there needs to be some type of defined approach or system in place. This system becomes the plan and management is guiding others in following that plan. This is often the downfall of managers. They have no plan or system. As a result their actions seem random to the people they are managing and this leads to confusion and disappointment. This is why it is so important for business managers to have an employee manual. Without the employee manual providing direction, managers will struggle to be fair and balanced in their dealings with employees. -Management: is the organizational process that includes strategic planning, setting; objectives, managing resources, deploying the human and financial assets needed to achieve objectives, and measuring results. Management also includes recording and storing facts and information for later use or for others within the organization. Management functions are not limited to managers and superviso rs. Every member of the organization has some management and reporting functions as part of their job. This definition is more in depth and tailored toward business management. Notice that it consists of three primary activities. First, management establishes a plan. This plan becomes the road map for what work is going to be done. Second, management allocates resources to implement the plan. Third, management measures the results to see how the end product compares with what was originally envisioned. Most management failings can be attributed to insufficient effort occurring in one of these three areas. The definition goes on to talk about how management is responsible for measuring details that may not be required presently, but may be useful later on. These measurements often help determine the objectives in the planning stage. When management is following this type of sequence, it becomes a continuing cycle. Plan, execute, and measure. The measurements become the basis for the next planning stage and so on. 4-Management: is the activity of getting things done with the aid of people and other resources. This definition of management focuses on management as the process of accomplishing work through the efforts of others. Skilled managers can accomplish much more through others than they can through their own single efforts. -Management: Effective utilization and coordination of resources such as capital, plant, materials, And labor to achieve defined objectives with maximum efficiency. This definition of management looks at not only the people but the entire range of resources necessary to follow a plan. Notice how it focuses on efficiency. Management isn’t just getting from point A to point B. It is getting there by choosi ng the best possible path. Management: The process of getting activities completed efficiently with and through other people; 2. Management: The process of setting and achieving goals through the execution of five basic management functions: planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling; that utilize human, financial, and material resources. The first definition looks at the fact that management is getting work done through other people. The second definition divides management up into five components. These components are all parts of the three components (plan, execute, measure) that we looked at above. However the more detailed definition helps show the activities that occur in each of the three phase definition. The process of planning, leading, organizing and controlling people within a group in order to achieve goals; also used to mean the group of people who do this. Once again, this definition of management addresses accomplishing work through other people. This definition stresses the activities that are necessary for reaching particular goals. Management: the process of achieving the objectives of the business organization by bringing together human, physical, and financial resources in an optimum combination and making the best decision for the organization while taking into consideration its operating environment. This definition talks about the different components that managers need to control in order to achieve objectives. One differentiator of this definition is the way it considers the operating environment as part of what a manager must understand. Management: The role of conducting and supervising a business This is a broad definition of management that doesn’t consider management as something that can take place outside of a business.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Poverty Dilemmas that Canadians are Facing Today Essay

Abstract In this paper, it will be arguing how Canada hasn’t begun to fix the poverty situation that many Canadians deal with in a daily bases. Structural Functionalism Theory, Conflict Theory and the Feminist Perspective are going to be used in for this argument in this paper. This will give reader a better understanding and depth of the country’s Poverty issues that are currently taken place. It describes a brief history of poverty to today’s current issues in our communities, and what are some of the solutions we could do to fix poverty in Canada. This issue of poverty is very important to the writer, as she went through it with her family many years ago. Poverty Effect in Canada Canada is known for helping other countries when in need. However in reality Canada neglects to fix their own dilemmas, such as the poverty issues that many Canadians are facing today. Although it is a good deed helping other people in need across the world, then again Canada should focus on finding solutions, and planning how to help those in need in our homeland first. It is like the saying you cannot help anyone unless you help yourself out first. Canada’s main focuses should be the population that is affected by poverty, what exactly is causing this situation and how could the fix the one of big problems Canadians are dealing with. Since the time of the great depression poverty had gradually increased and with families growing, Canada began to look at their Welfare State and implemented social programs the citizen for a better quality of life. By the 1960’s Jenny Podoluk measurement technique was use by Statistics Canada to estimate the number of Canadians living in poverty. Results showed by 1961 approximately by 25% were living in poverty and by the 1969 population was 18% (Statistics Canada). Although there had been improvements by the 1980’s, it slowly grew from bad to worse in the 1990’s. Due to the growth of unreliable job and the cuts of social programs , the poverty rate were much higher and long –term poverty for many vulnerable groups such as; visible minorities, immigrants, newcomers, aboriginals, and people with disabilities. Canada currently does not have any official definition of poverty, not even proper steps or precautions are being put in place to  prevent or supp ort people in poverty. Canada has no official measure of poverty because Statistics Canada states, that unless politicians express social concern for the issues at hand, nothing will be done in order to solve and deal with poverty in Canada. In 2005 child and family poverty rate were much higher than in 1989. It was estimated about 3.4 million of the population live in poverty. In recent years Canada falls in 7th place out of 17 countries rating for poverty and inequality, graded a â€Å"B†, and given a good job but Canada is still not good enough (Conference Board, 2013). Since 1989 the House of Commons decided to resolve and eliminate the Children poverty rate by the year 2000. However despite the decision to eliminate Child poverty, no actual plan was design or progress reports were done. Throughout this period, rates of poverty both decrease and increase, currently the rates are still considered to be high, although Canada is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. When analyzing through a conflict perspective theory, poverty can be seen and understood, by the following example; a worker who is exploited by the employer of a big company, by when the worker does all the work and effort the Bourgeoisie profits and benefits from the labour of the proletariat (Mooney, Holmes, Knox, Schacht, 333). This is one of the many theories that can be used in the Canadian of Poverty. Other view on how society perceives poverty is Structural Functionalist Perspective Theory. This view describes poverty as positive aspects for the dominant groups of society. Poor people are often viewed as the lazy, unskilled, and a burden to society. They are often stuck doing the dirty, dangerous, and difficult work, the other individuals will refuse to do. Many have debated this theory to be that the dominant group exploits with power and inequality, towards those in poverty. Another view of poverty is that is gender bias, that women are mostly like to live in poverty then m en are, for this approach we going to discuss the Feminist Perspective. In 2006, 54 % of women lived in poverty ages 18 and over (NAPO 2006). This perspective uses the gender-based analysis, which works to understand the structures that contribute to women in poverty. Another interesting factor about this perspective is that it using the narrative analysis which focuses on women’s experiences with a symbolic approach which is put into data interpretation. These are few of the many issues of poverty we face today in our communities; food banks are crisis because of the high  in demand of people in need. Housing is another important factor as millions of people worry about being able to make rent payments, and finding affordable living places where they do not have to worry about living paycheck to paycheck. A study was conducted from t McMaster University in 2010 for the City of Hamilton, Ontario it showed that people living in poverty are most likely to die rather than those who are not living in poverty. It showed a 21 year difference of life expectancy, which were outrages and unacceptable facts that we must be aware of, in order to make a change. What we as a community could do to help those dealing with poverty crisis. First we must create awareness through education, media (i.e.; radio, internet, television), government, fundraiser, and through our communities. By doing so we increase the knowledge, of society, to help eliminate poverty in Canada, this country is known for its strong, free, and sustainable living. However not many know about Canada poverty crisis. We must also conduct research, to study in depth the cause and effects of poverty. Only then can we implement programs, or support gear towards the individuals in need. Other factor to consider and should be changed is to increase the minimum wage for those in need of support and basic necessities. By creating more employment and benefits is another way government officials can assist these individuals. In addition it is important to provide skill workshops and employment training for people in dealing with difficulties in obtaining employment. Things must be done In order to help those in poverty, to develop a better living for all in the present and for the future generations to come. Furthermore through history as discussed above we seen and understood that not all social programs, which the government had put in place to deal with this issue, have not worked out. Due to the lack of commitment and study of this subject, government continues to disregard and not care about the dilemmas of poverty. Government officials must pay attention to people and focus on how they could help. In order to do so a good starting point would be to listen to what the people need, and their challenges they are dealing with. As a community everyone should make an ideal and attainable goal, to reduced or end poverty. Imagine if we were to eliminate poverty, what would the effects on crime, health problems, drug  abuse, family problems, prejudice and racism and international conflict would be like. Picture everyone living in peace and harmon y wouldn’t that be a dream or goal worth wanting. If Canadian government continues to neglect the issue at hand, without support and commitment, poverty will not only become a bigger devastating problem, and it will endure to mass destruction of our country. References Mooney, L. A., Holmes, M. M., Knox, D. & Schacht, C. (2012). Understanding social problems. Nelson. (4th ed). Canada without poverty > poverty . (n.d.). Retrieved from Collin, C. Political and Social Affairs Division, (2007). Poverty reduction in Canada – the federal role (PRB 07-22E). Retrieved from website: Hoeppner, C. (2010). house of commons Canada federal poverty reduction plan: Working in partnership towards reducing poverty in Canada . Retrieved from website: Guest, D. (2012). Social security. In Retrieved from (2008). How is poverty measured in Canada?. Retrieved from website: Annual report 2012. (2012). Retrieved from Ross, D., & Lochhead, C. (2012). Poverty. In K. Scott (Ed.), Retrieved from Canada falling behind on poverty, inequality, says report. (2013, February 4). CBC News Canada. Retrieved from Poverty. (2011, 11 3). Retrieved from Poverty in Canada. (2008, April 29). Retrieved from